Rebecca Hutchinson
Birth Date: 1962

Artist Gallery
Rebecca Hutchinson is a Ceramics Professor at the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth. She has been teaching for over sixteen years. Her goal is to create sculptures that express nature’s behavior, and she closely observes nature in order to do so. Her observations take place in various locations, including her garden, and trips to places such as the Dominican Republic and swamps of Georgia. Although the sculptures are inspired by nature, Hutchinson also aims to make them metaphors for human relationships, merging art with life. Hutchinson’s sculptures are made of materials that have been discarded, which she then up-cycles into art. These parts are merged with fired and unfired porcelain. Many of her pieces are installations, sometimes made of parts found in that place. “Nested Vase” was made of porcelain sitting atop a paper base, where the paper was dipped into clay. It is in creating her pieces that she feels how humans function in an ecosystem, and how to respect that process.